Viola Ceramics Studio

Viola Ceramics Studio is a studio that is across in the passion of two people who value beauty and functionality. Pawel is an engineer and Viola is a ceramic artist - a couple for almost 15 years in private life and at work. After five years of study at the university, Viola successfully defended her degree with a master's degree in arts. After all, they open their first ceramic studio in 2010 in Warsaw/Poland.
At the end of 2016, they decide to move to Bristol/United kingdom and open a new chapter of their story here ;)
Currently, Viola is the main and only person creating and making your orders in the studio every day.
Pawel has always been essential support, but often in key moments, he helped in the creative or production process. He still helps at critical moments. Solving technical issues and after his full-time job, he's a support in the final stages of production and packaging Pawel works full-time on a daily basis, building his career path coherent with his education.

Currently, Viola Ceramics Studio specializes in:
- bespoke handmade ceramic mosaic tiles,
- handmade ceramic handles/knobs.

If you would like to create with us an individual wall decorative mosaic please contact us, Viola will be more than happy to create it for you.

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